Engaging youth through online events

At YouthProAktiv we’re back from the summer holidays with a full agenda packed with interesting events. During the month of September, we will celebrate 3 Webinars and 3 Instagram Live Talks hoping that you will join us!

Our webinars are part of our Youth Goals series, focusing on the topics that were discussed during the European Year of the Youth.

Check out September’s webinars:

15th of September: The Power of Non-Formal Education: Exploring its Role in Youth Development

-Explore with us how non-formal education can change young people’s lives and improve their skills and how that personal growth can have a positive social impact.  LINK: https://tinyurl.com/yc5uwn4v


20th of September: Paving the Path to Quality Employment: Exploring Europe’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and Youth Accessibility.

-Can entrepreneurship be an option for young people to enter the workforce? Let’s see how this path can enhance youth employability by looking into strategies, policies and success stories.  LINK: https://tinyurl.com/vsnvztkh


27st of September: Inclusive Participation: Empowering All Through a Special Focus on the EP2024 Elections

-Elections are the perfect moment to reflect on our democratic systems. Join us for an engaging webinar to raise awareness and encourage active participation of the European Youth in the next 2024 European elections. LINK: https://tinyurl.com/269vfs28


Moreover, we are also inviting you to connect with us during our Instagram Live Talks with MEPs to discuss issues that affect all of us.


Check out September’s Instagram Live Talks:

19th of September: Unleashing Potential: Addressing Demographic Challenges, Nurturing Work-Life Harmony, and Empowering Youth Transitions

-Have you ever thought about how our societies are changing? We are seeing quick transformations that affect our everyday lives in areas like the labour market, family issues, or the transition of youth towards the workforce. Connect with us and discover the debates that happen in this regard within the intergroup dedicated to these issues in the European Parliament. LINK: https://tinyurl.com/4bt5zfz6


26th of September: Unlocking Collaboration: Exploring Potential Ways for European Youth to Engage with the EU40 group.

-The MEPs that are part of the EU40 group network are willing to make a difference within the European institutions fostering inclusion and participation. Let’s explore what they want to do and how we can also be part of that change. LINK: https://tinyurl.com/yv9fdfvr


28th of September: Youth as Media Influencers: Harnessing Media Platforms for Positive Impact

-The connections and new opportunities that social media bring to the youth are incredible. We will explore the tools and knowledge to get advantage of social media, while highlighting the importance of responsible digital practices in creating a better online environment for all. LINK: https://tinyurl.com/2fkdfxjm


To ensure your participation, we kindly request you to register for the events. Once you have registered, we will send all the necessary details and access information directly to your email.

Thank you for your continued support! We look forward to seeing you in our upcoming events.