Let’s Shape the Future of Europe Together!

Youth Citizens Dialogue 2019_YPA

On 8 May 2019, the European Commission will organise “The Young Citizens’ Dialogue – let’s shape the future of Europe together!” in Sibiu, Romania. Through this event, that will bring together up to 300 European youths, the European Commission aims to raise awareness of young people’s views and expectations on the future of Europe and give them a platform for open dialogue. Among other things, the event will consist of thematic citizens’ workshops and citizens’ dialogue, an exhibition on the European Pillar of Social Rights as well as the winning pictures of the photo competition #MySocialEurope, and, most importantly, the opportunity to join a discussion with Commissioners Thyssen and Navracsics. The event will close with an award ceremony and a party with a local music band.

Young people interested in participating in the event in Sibiu must be 18–25 years old (date of birth between 08/02/1993 and 08/05/2001) and resident in an EU Member State. They can apply no later than 11 March 2019 at: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/YoungcitizensdialogueSibiu