Personnal development training
This coaching program for your workers and youth leaders is meant to achieve two main goals:

  • Ensuring high quality skills and competences for youth workers and youth leaders.
  • To put these acquired skills and competences at the service of the European and International youth community through the development of learning material tools.


Through a deep program of 6 working sessions spread over a period of 18 months, selected youth workers from 6 different countries will be working together and sharing their ideas on issues such us: youth workers and youth work, communication skills and public speaking, social skills, adaptability skills, leadership skills, social Networking and Marketing Skills as well as innovative methodologies to be applied when working with the youth such us focus group and design thinking.


Trainning sessions will be conducted by a professional coach. This will ensure a framed context for discussion and practical exercises to exemplify best ways and habits to acquire these skills and competences.


The project will achieve to find the most innovative and attractive way to include, all these share of ideas, skills and competences in a MOOC training course that would be publicly available on-line.

This two main goals aim to have another two very important transversal effects:

  • Promotion of the quality of youth work.
  • Creating empowered individuals.

More information and details at