There is no planet B – Catch Up 2019 organized by JINT

On October 19th, JINT, the Flemish knowledge center for international youth mobility and international youth policy organized an event Catch Up 2019. YouthProAktiv team participated in the workshop “There’s no planet B” led by Henrique Goncalves (Networking Coordinator of International Young Nature Friends and Founder of

Regarding the importance of having an ecological free environment, the Green ToolBox, and the app ecomaps .eu were introduced. The importance of inclusion of environmental policy in the policy governance was explained, followed by the categorization of using the green toolbox and how to be nature-friendly at Office, in publications and merchandise, mobilities, food, during traveling, ethical banking and funding with deep insight of waste management.

Another part of the workshop was dedicated to which is a European web mapping service and database, displaying the most sustainable, ecological and healthiest options in a certain location, area or city. The information includes services, restaurants, organic and bio shops, fair trade brands, local markets, organizations and other entities that promote respect and care for nature and society while supporting local economies.

At the end of the workshop, questions such us how to implement sustainability at organizations were discussed. This event was very enriching and essential for the current ecological situation in the world.