Collection of Best Practices of Social Entrepreneurship as an Inclusion Enabler

YouthProAktiv is happy to announce the open-free publication of our “Collection of Best Practices of Social Entrepreneurship as an Inclusion Enabler”.
This document, which is a result of the Erasmus+ KA2 project “SESI”, has been co-led with Espacio Geranios (Spain), jointly with our Consortium partners Fundacja reGeneracja (Poland), AIDE (Romania), and Imagine Apps (Spain).
HERE you have access to the version in ENGLISH
HERE you have access to the version in FRENCH.
The Collection includes:
- A brief explanation of what is the SESI Project (also summarized below in this article)
- Focus Group Insights (which were organized by each partner to discover the social entrepreneurship ecosystem at our local level and gather best practices to write the Collection.
- International Forum Impact (a one-week forum that took place in Madrid in October 2023, where we gathered youth workers and experts from our partner countries to share best practices, participate in study visits, and learn firsthand about the Spanish social entrepreneurship ecosystem. The document we are sharing , gathers inspiration from the presentations and conversations that took place during this forum as well as the focus groups leading up to the event.
- Best practices (by Spanish social enterprises which collaborated throughout the International Forum in Madrid)
- And Conclusions and Recommendations.
We invite you to check the Collection and discover the multiple invaluable lessons that we learned from our conversations with the social entrepreneurship ecosystems
in each of our local communities. While social impact businesses are becoming key players in the entrepreneurial landscape, more work needs to be done to demonstrate that social enterprise is a viable path forward, particularly for youth.