At YouthProAktiv, our mission is to strategically empower young individuals by fostering essential knowledge, skills, and competencies. In alignment with this mission, we launched the “Youth Goal Webinars” initiative in 2023. This series of webinars, dedicated to the 11 European Youth Goals, brings together policymakers, civil society experts, and youth leaders to showcase ongoing initiatives and best practices aimed at advancing these specific goals. Our primary objective is to actively contribute to raising awareness and promoting EU policy priorities within the youth domain.
The webinars, available on our YouTube Channel, are designed for a diverse audience, including young individuals, policymakers, civil society experts, and youth leaders. Each session features various experts, encouraging real-time interaction and delving into vital aspects of youth engagement, empowerment, and collaboration with the European Union. Topics covered include quality employment, self-employment, diversity and inclusion, environmental sustainability, mental health, and other pertinent youth-related issues. The webinars deliver a consistent flow of engaging content, aspiring to remain permanently accessible on our YouTube Channel, serving as an enduring resource for those interested in the youth perspective on EU matters.
In 2023, the webinars covered a broad range of topics. These included connecting the youth with the EU, empowering rural youth by showcasing initiatives and overcoming obstacles for progress, exploring the role of non-formal education in youth development, and paving the path to quality employment by exploring Europe’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and youth accessibility. Other topics focused on promoting empowerment for physical and mental disabilities, nurturing media literacy, assessing and promoting youth-led green initiatives, breaking gender barriers, empowering inclusive participation with a special focus on the EP2024 elections, exploring the diverse possibilities of the Erasmus+ Program for youth and youth stakeholders, and elevating mental health and wellbeing for young people.
In 2024, we continued to delve into significant topics that shape the future of European youth. These included connecting the EU with youth, focusing on existing and potential new channels to prepare for and participate in the EP 2024 elections, and showcasing best practices for gender equality led by youth leaders. Discussions also covered the creation of inclusive societies, particularly regarding physical and mental disabilities and ongoing EU-based initiatives for inclusion, and fostering positive debates between the impacts of online and offline channels. Additional topics addressed the EP2024 elections, moving rural youth forward, quality employment for all with a focus on the future of labor in the blockchain world, and equipping new generations with the skills needed for a technological labor market. We also explored forward-looking educational scenarios,mental health and wellbeing opportunities, the New EU Green Deal and how individual actions contribute to a holistic environmental plan for Europe, and the European Solidarity Fund (ESF) and the opportunities it offers to young people at local and national levels.
Through these webinars, YouthProAktiv remains committed to fostering meaningful conversations and providing valuable resources that support the development and empowerment of young people across Europe. These efforts ensure that young people are well-informed and actively engaged in shaping the future of the European Union.