With the Europe’s 2020 strategy ‘New Skills for Jobs’ as well as the ‘Implementation of key competencies for lifelong learning’ it is becoming obvious that a direction towards skills development and most important skills awareness is emerging as the necessary step after establishing a lifelong learning culture in Europe. However, it is important to distinct personal development from the lifelong learning.


Lifelong learning includes self directed learning however, personal development is the process that teaches someone how to direct his/her learning and use the existing and/or undiscovered capacities. Personal development is the necessary step in order to create effective lifelong learners. The current project will formulate a clear connection between lifelong learning and personal development as positively correlated variables in a young person’s life.


The personal development program was held in Brussels from the 27th to the 29th of September 2017.Though this training young leaders had the opportunity to better learn about themselves, their strong points and weaknesses and their qualities in the workplace. The same way, young leaders will explore the particularities of different characters and the best way to combine them and approach them for a more efficient team work.